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Case Study: Wise Penetration Test

Last month we performed a Penetration test for technology specialist Wise, working closely with the firm to examine its cyber security and possible areas for improvement.

Client background 

Wise is a technology company that specialises in the self-employment sector, providing software and solutions that are revolutionising how companies can engage with their self-employed subcontractor workforce. The sophisticated Wise platform currently helps over 250 UK logistics firms engage their subcontractors across recruitment, onboarding, invoicing and even payroll, helping them to save both time and money.

Business challenge 

Wise approached us to conduct a thorough test of their system, to provide expert analysis and advice on the safety and security of their cutting-edge platform. With an experienced development team building their platform, they wanted further confirmation of the security of this system and so were keen to undertake an external penetration test by qualified experts. This meant providing us access to their system and conducting in-depth tests that would identify any security risks that could make Wise vulnerable to external threats.


Wise is a platform that provides services to hundreds of logistics companies and subsequently thousands of self-employed subcontractors and so ensuring data is protected securely is of utmost importance to them. Providing compliance to both self-employed subcontractors and the main contractors they engage with, means that handling data securely is essential to the day to day operations of Wise as a business.


We worked closely with Wise to understand the requirements of the business as well as the infrastructure of their platform, putting our team in the best position to undertake a thorough and exhaustive Penetration Test. Our team carried out extensive penetration testing over a number of weeks, producing a detailed outline of Wise’s current cyber security protection as well as areas where this could be further enhanced moving forwards

Customer Quote

Having a secure environment is pivotal to the success of any technology company. At Wise, we place a huge emphasis on our security protocols and having these efforts validated by the tests carried out by OmniCyber is great for the team. I’ve worked with OmniCyber in various capacities over the years so when we needed support at Wise they were a natural choice. I look forward to continuing our relationship with them.

Our background

We are a global cybersecurity company headquartered in the United Kingdom and Canada, we operate within North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia working with over 200 institutions and businesses. 

We offer an extensive range of cybersecurity services to help protect your business, one of those being our popular service CREST certified offensive penetration testing, we employ Offensive Security Certified Professionals (OSCP) to invade your systems to detect faults in your defence plan and expose vulnerabilities. 

If you’re interested in learning more or if you’re a technology company that needs our help, visit our Penetration Testing page or Contact us to discover more.

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