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How Often Do You Need To Renew Cyber Essentials?

Cyber security is a top priority for businesses in all industries. As cyber threats continue to evolve, it’s crucial to protect your organisation. One way to demonstrate your commitment to cyber security is by achieving Cyber Essentials certification. But how often do you need to renew this certification, and what does the process involve? In this article, we’ll explore the renewal requirements for Cyber Essentials and how OmniCyber Security can help you manage the costs effectively.


The Importance of Cyber Essentials Certification


Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed certification scheme to help organisations protect themselves against common cyber threats. It offers a clear framework for implementing basic cyber security measures, covering network security, access controls, and malware protection. By achieving Cyber Essentials certification, your organisation can:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to cyber security to customers and partners.
  • Protect against the most common cyber threats.
  • Gain a competitive edge in the market.
  • Meet certain regulatory or contractual requirements.



How Often Do You Need to Get Certified?


Cyber Essentials certification is not a one-time effort. To maintain your certification and ensure your cyber security measures remain effective, you need to renew your certification annually. This annual update is essential because:

  1. Evolving Threat Landscape: Cyber threats are constantly changing, and what was considered secure last year may not be sufficient today. Regular updates ensure your defences are aligned with the latest threat intelligence.
  2. Compliance and Trust: To ensure ongoing trust and compliance, customers, partners, and regulatory bodies often require up-to-date certification. An outdated certification may raise questions about your commitment to cyber security.
  3. Continuous Improvement: The renewal process encourages organisations to continuously assess and improve their cyber security practices, fostering a culture of security within the organisation.


Renewing your Cyber Essentials certificate involves completing the IASME self-assessment questionnaire again and verifying it by a certification body like OmniCyber Security. If you renew a Cyber Essentials Plus certificate, you must also resubmit your organisation to internal and external vulnerability scans and an on-site or remote assessment.



Spreading the Cost with OmniCyber Security


We understand that budgeting for cyber security can be challenging, especially for smaller organisations. That’s why OmniCyber Security offers flexible payment options to help you manage the costs of Cyber Essentials certification. By spreading the cost over 12 months, you can ensure your organisation remains certified without a significant upfront cost.



Why Choose OmniCyber Security?


OmniCyber Security is a trusted partner for organisations seeking Cyber Essentials certification. Our expert team provides comprehensive support throughout the certification and renewal process, including:

  • Guidance and Consultation: We help you understand the Cyber Essentials requirements and guide you through the self-assessment and remediation process.
  • Vulnerability Scanning: Our advanced scanning tools identify potential weaknesses in your systems, helping you address them before they can be exploited.
  • Continuous Support: With our 12-month payment plan, you receive ongoing support and consultation to ensure your cyber security measures remain effective and up-to-date.



Maintaining your Cyber Essentials certification is an annual commitment that helps protect your organisation against evolving cyber threats. By partnering with OmniCyber Security, you can spread the cost of certification over 12 months, making it easier to manage your budget while ensuring your cyber security practices remain robust and compliant.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact OmniCyber Security today to start your Cyber Essentials renewal process and secure your organisation’s digital future.

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