Attaining Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates to your customers and partners that your company takes cybersecurity seriously, and that your cyber defences are set up in accordance with the UK’s National Cyber Security guidelines.
OmniCyber Security help you to achieve certification with our flexible and affordable 12-month payment plan.
Introducing Cyber Essentials
Launched in June 2014, Cyber Essentials was developed by the UK Government alongside industry experts to provide businesses with an established standard for good basic cybersecurity practices. As of October 2014, the Government has also required any organisations bidding for central government contracts which involve handling personal information and providing certain ICT products and services to be certified.

Talk to one of our Cyber Security consultants
Basic certification is self-assessed. As part of our service, we offer an online portal for customers, enabling you to log in and complete the questions online before we review and certify your company. Once you qualify you will be able to use the Cyber Essentials branding on your literature and website. The cost of this service depends on the scale of your business.
If you are applying for the ‘Plus’ certification, then an onsite audit is required to evaluate the controls in place and their adherence to the requirements. The audit is designed to test that the required controls are in place, to test that systems and security software have been correctly configured to mitigate cyber-threats, and that the required policies are in place. An external vulnerability scan is also required as part of Cyber Essentials Plus. Upon successful completion of the audit and satisfactory vulnerability scan results, OmniCyber Security will then be able issue the customer with the Cyber Essentials Plus certification.

A great stepping stone
Cyber Essentials can be a low-cost stepping stone to other Information Security standards. Many customers have used their Cyber Essentials certification to get Information Security on board meeting agendas and use it as a springboard to ISO27001 and the PCI DSS standards.
Let us help
OmniCyber Security help many customers ‘start small’ and go on to achieve certifications for other Information Security standards, making Information Security part of everyday business practice.